I'm starting twubble again....
Many people, myself included, have posted on FB regarding the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage that was handed down on Friday. I have had support, and I have been accused of "busting balls," simply by quoting Scripture - entire chapters of Scripture, so that context becomes less of an issue.
Then I saw this quote on a friend's news feed. It is given no attribution, so I don't know who to address directly with my rebuttal. Take a look at the quote first:
"I respect people's rights to have their own opinions, even those which differ greatly from my own. When someone chooses to post scripture on their page and it ends up in my newsfeed, I just scroll on by... however, when I see people passive aggressively condemning the Supreme Court ruling made today, by cherry picking bible quotes, and holding them up as stand-alone reasoning for why this is bad and not very subtly stating that they disagree with the decision, based on a "holy book" that was written by men, 2000 years ago (which means it is open to interpretation, to say the least) and was meant to serve as God's word, in a different era, in a different nation, under a vastly different culture, it turns my stomach. I cannot simply scroll by without taking notice.
I think I need to do some thinning of my friends list.
For the record - God also preached tolerance and loving thy neighbor. He did not say "only love thy straight neighbors".
I'm sorry for those who choose to just scroll on by any Scripture they may find on their news feed. The Lord works in mysterious ways, and one never knows when He is reaching out to you through His Word, even on FB.
I am not passive-aggressive in my disagreement with SCOTUS' decision. I am assertive for my God. Believe what you will about what is flippantly called a "holy book that was written by by men 2000 years ago....etc." My God, the God who in whom we live and move and have our being (oops, that's Scripture!) created this universe over 2000 years ago. He mandated who would be born and who would not. I believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, greater than any two-edged sword, constant in its message and teaching. The Bible does not contradict itself.
Yes, God left it to His creation of man to record His Word. Yes, it was written down a long, long time ago in a different land, in a different culture, a different era. But God was there, just as He is here today. "In the beginning was the Word (Jesus) and the Word was with God and the Word was God," writes the apostle John, who was humanly closest to Christ during His days on earth. Yes, times and cultures and mores have changed, evolved even. But God is constant. As I stated in a status yesterday, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.
We, His creation, have been His biggest disappointment. He created mankind pure and simple, yet the Fall in the Garden of Eden separated us from our Creator forever. See, God is so holy and so pure and so righteous that He cannot abide sin. Let's say that the fall of mankind placed a curtain between God and man that man himself just couldn't breach. That was true at the beginning of time, and it continues today.
We humans are inherently sinful. God cannot bear to look upon us in our sinful state. Some folks have said to me, "I'm not bad, I'm not like Hitler or some mass murderer." Yet we are. A sin is a sin is a sin; there are no shades of sinfulness. If I take an office envelope at work for personal use without permission, I am just as guilty of offending God as any hardened criminal. Therefore, I have no right as a believer in God and a follower of His Son, to judge anyone, just as no one has the authority to judge me other than the One who created me.
So please, if it makes you feel better, thin your friends' list and take me off, because I have reached a line in the sand. For too many years I have been passive about the beating some believers in Christ undergo by those who know Him not. Everyone is so worried about Christians being intolerant of the gay community, yet where is that same outrage when those of differing religious beliefs slaughter people who serve Christ by the dozens and brag about it?
Don't tell me I'm intolerant. You may think I am, but standing up for the One who gave His only Son to reconcile me to Him is the least I can do. I invite you to look in the mirror and ask you as you ask me if you're only supposed to love your non-Christian neighbor. Don't throw stones inside your glass house, my friends. It gets ugly and painful.
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