If you do, you're probably standing in my vicinity. I have stepped in the proverbial doo-doo yet again and the stink is far-reaching.
In my first posting, I made the statement that I was not subjecting my Facebook friends and family to my opinions any more, but was directing my rants to this forum. I advised that if you, the reader, found something offensive, stop reading and move on to something else in your life.
With my profound lack of self-esteem, I find writing to be a release and a comfort. However, just committing words to paper doesn't satisfy me; I need conversation and idea exchanges.
I have managed to offend a friend. You know who you are. I offer sincere public apologies and am taking the blog down to prevent something like this from ever happening again.
Thanks to those who have read my few entries. I just need to find a better outlet for my opinions.
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